A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning
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Interdisciplinary Service Learning A Guide for
Centro de Desarrollo Docente Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
III. KEYS TO UNDERSTAND Service Learning and interdiscipline
3.1 Educational Background 3.2 Service Learning 3.3 Interdiscipline
IV. SL and INTERDISCIPLINE 4.1 ¿How to build an interdisciplinary SL project? 4.2 Complementary resources
II. THINKING ABOUT Interdiscipline
2.1 Reflections for interdiscipline at UC, by Loreto Valenzuela Roediger. 2.2 Challenges of the Interdisciplinary Service-Learning in teaching, by Fernanda Calvo and Alejandra Espinosa. 2.3 The “divine trinity” may be a solution for the integral development of the territory, by Mario Orellana Gómez.
¡Hello! Welcome
In the year 2021, the Service Learning Program team belonging to Centro de Desarrollo Docente developed a Strategic Plan that among its axes incorporated interdisciplinary learning as a key approach for its action lines. As part of this, we developed the Guide of Good Practices for Interdisciplinary Learning, a document that aims to promote interdiscipline as a real opportunity to strengthen the implementation of the active methodology of Service Learning in a context of interdisciplinary learning, allowing deep learning and collaborative spaces for dialogue and reflection. Accordingly, this document is an invitation to academic teams from different areas of the university, teaching teams, community and students to increase their knowledge of interdiscipline and, mainly, to motivate them to initiate, develop or study in depth this new challenge of education and society transformation in the country.
II. THINKING ABOUT INTERDICIPLINE 2.1. Reflections for interdiscipline at UC, by Loreto Valenzuela Roediger. 2.2. Challenges of Interdisciplinary Service Learning in Teaching, by Fernanda Calvo and Alejandra Espinosa.. 2.3. The “divine trinity” may be a solution for the integral development of the territory, by Mario Orellana Gómez.
In this section, three actors with experience in interdisciplinary learning share their reflections regarding their understanding of interdiscipline, some lines of action that can be developed and the main challenges for its implementation.
technology, with new challenges and problems that we did not know about. Student generations currently attending university will have the opportunity to design and use new tools and methodologies still not available, to face global problems with less physical, cultural and disciplinary boundaries than those faced by their predecessors. They will have the opportunity to create a new world, with new forms of artistic expression, where the barriers between art and technology, humanities and sciences, social sciences and natural sciences, will no longer be the same. The mission of College UC is providing a multidisciplinary education based on collaboration with other academic units and must contribute to the integral development of its undergraduate students according to the principles and values contained in the University’s Declaration of Principles. Interdisciplinarity is intrinsic to our program, where each student chooses one of the three areas of knowledge available in their degree (Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, or Arts and Humanities) to then specialize and study one or more disciplines in depth, having the possibility to generate a more extensive and diverse curriculum, adapted to the demands of the current world. The formation provided by College includes the development of a set of competencies that allow students to face very different intercultural, international and global realities. In the future, it is expected that there will be the possibility of generating more attractive formative experiences for the students, with professors who support the program through the development of courses with a multidisciplinary focus and, in some cases, with an increased tutoring character, also promoting interdisciplinary research and generating strategic alliances with foreign universities, taking advantage of the already existing network.
Currently, College has a pilot project of interdisciplinary internships with the Foundation Teatro del Lago and Huilo Foundation, which promotes the exploration of various areas of professional development for insertion in interdisciplinary labor fields and, and, at the same time, the application of acquired knowledge in their undergraduate studies, promoting the students’ capacity of taking on a team project, contributing from their different points of view. Like these initiatives, there are many interdisciplinary examples in the university. However, interdiscipline is not simply the sum or superposition of disciplines. The presence of different areas working together is necessary, but not sufficient. It is necessary to work intersectionally by developing a common language among the disciplines, which allows to solve complex problems that would not be possible to solve from a single perspective, separately, or only by adding disciplinary contributions in a successive way. As it was said in the Jornada del Honorable Consejo Superior (2020): “The atomization of knowledge slows down research”. At the university, this poses us with a very important challenge, in teaching and in research. It is key the way we define, the way we teach and the way we promote interdiscipline.
Student generations currently attending university will have the opportunity to design and use new tools and methodologies still not available, to face global problems with less physical, cultural and disciplinary boundaries than those faced by their predecessors. They will have the opportunity to create a new world, with new forms of artistic expression, where the barriers between art and technology, humanities and sciences, social sciences and natural sciences, will no longer be the same. Loreto Valenzuela Roediger, College UC Director, June 8, 2021 Reflections for interdiscipline at UC
Interdiscipline is the conjunction of various disciplines in pursuing a common goal, which cannot be achieved in an isolated or separate manner. As stated in UC Dialoga (2020): “Today’s problems are getting more and more complex and require interdiscipline”. Current challenges such as climate change, social crisis, pandemics, cybersecurity, among others, need people and professionals with integrity and expertise in various areas, but who are also capable of interacting and being a bridge between them. Today this is more relevant than ever, the world we are facing, and especially the post-pandemic world, is and will be very different. It will be a world much more digital, more linked through
a relevant aspect when addressing health problems of the Chilean population. One of the main challenges we face is the scheduling flexibility, having to adapt the course programs and connecting some common aspects with others of personalized work for each career. However, the online format has emerged as an opportunity to have more flexibility, working with community partners and among the different careers. In the future, it could be an interesting complement to improve the frequency of meetings between students and community partners. Furthermore, it is very important to encourage students and professors to work actively with the community, through a fluid communication among the actors, We believe that it is very important to socialize the activities that are carried out in the A+S courses in general, as an opportunity to know what other careers are doing, and the needs that arise from the partners, and to move towards interaction with other professions. In the same way, the activities that arise from SL may migrate towards activities of linkage with the environment (extra curricular), where times are more flexible and the contributions can be complementary, allowing more lasting alliances with community partners. At the beginning of the semester, the Service Learning program organizes the Teaching Training Workshop: “From the Desk to the Territory: connecting learning with service learning needs”. Methodological sharing previous experiences and having SL training, is very important.
aspects for the implementation of SL in the courses are addressed.
Challenges of interdiscipline in teaching
This semester we implemented Interdiscipline through SL in the Introduction courses of 3 careers: Kinesiology, Nutrition and Dietetics and Occupational Therapy. These three subjects have in common the design of a product oriented to health prevention promotion according to the needs detected in the community partners. Experiences from previous years have shown that the needs detected in community partners towards healthy lifestyles often call for the involvement of different health actors, an opportunity to develop interdisciplinary work. The three careers share the intervention throughout the whole life cycle, and as part of the learning objectives, that students understand the professional role, especially from the health prevention and promotion level. In previous years, we have done interdisciplinary capsules, which are one day instances throughout the semester. where we will analyze the importance of interprofessional work in health, and the benefits of learning together, therefore, including interdiscipline in SL allows us addressing the learning objective, identifying the professional role within the health team and the relevance of working as a team, in a more robust way. We believe that this identification of the professional role is a starting point for interdiscipline in the following years, recognizing, since entering the university, as
Fernanda Calvo, Career in Kinesiology
Alejandra Espinosa, Career in Nutrition and Dietetics
began a new taking-off era that was shown to the world with a gigantic diversity. This diversity of talents in the territory is fundamental. Self-education has been slowly and in a very reflexive way. The leaders handle all kinds of information. Access to Internet has helped us a lot to approach interesting readings that feed us and organize our knowledge. We have unintentionally transformed ourselves into different professions, we have many hats, many disciplines, we know everything. So have the authorities and the new neighbors who have approached us: private companies, NGOs, embassies and others. Private companies have wanted to come to the territories as a contribution to this integral development and have been very careful and serene in the landing. After the social outbreak of October 2019, the relationship of companies towards the territories and vice versa has been healthy and has responded to this necessary diversity in order to move forward in the development of communities. The “public-private investment” modality has shown signs of being a good way to generate resources and good ideas to move forward, even with the support of institutions, NGOs and local governments. Nowadays, social organizations are no strangers to these processes; we have joined these new ways of relating, collaborating, sharing our experience and moving forward as a block without anyone being left behind. Our communities are grateful and join in.
political problems and even natural disasters. The territories became dirty and were no longer the first line of support for their people. Obviously, some communities never stopped working even with these “restrictions”. Some of them worked clandestinely Others made it for an extreme need: common pots for example. Beautiful organizations were formed for the defense of human rights and so many others. When democracy arrived, or as close to democracy as we could get, it brought hope for the resurgence of these organizations, which are fundamental for the development of people and their territories. . Rather, it brought the legal supports so that the organizations could exist and work legally, which meant that new opportunities to access various types of collaborations and funding were possible. Leaders required a comprehensive training in order to better manage their leadership. Mobilized communities with greater social and political awareness were also opening many spaces for citizen participation, demanding binding and active methodologies and formats. Schools of different types of organizations were born, such as administrative committees and advancement committees. The churches and temples reopened to the community, the headquarters began to receive housewives and their workshops, elderly people started their own organizations for elderly people, urban vegetable gardens, cyclists, tutoring for children, first aid courses, were born which generated a great demand for participation in the community., which generated a great demand for meetings, funds, worthy and appropriate spaces to support this variety of activities. With time, technology arrived and libraries and the Internet appeared. The communities
The “divine trinity” may be a solution for the integral development of the territory:
One of the most devastating legacies of the Pinochet dictatorship that is still evident nowadays, apart from the systematic violation of Human Rights (HR), is the destruction of the social network from its grassroots organizations. The persecution of social, union, religious, sports and other organization leaders not only was due to their political ideology, but also to the character of the social and political node represented by each one of them. The diversity of their activities made a territory full of experience, made the life of the communities very valuable, and for many years this was considered a danger for the authorities. For a long time, the municipalities worked by electing the boards of directors of the Neighborhood Councils (JJVVV) handpicked in a flawed and corrupt manner. In this way, the existence of “political actors” was encouraged according to the position of the Mayor or Mayoress on duty. The disappearance of these organizations generated loneliness and instability in families when they had to face various social and
Working from a “divine trinity”, the state, represented in the municipality, private enterprise and territory, is without any doubt one of the best options to continue growing, from the effective and affective, in designing a fair, honest and more loving life for everyone.
Mario Orellana Gómez, Director School of Social Leaders.
We need a modern, diverse and more empathetic institutional framework. And of course, the new neighbors must be aware of the needs of the territories before cutting ribbons. If the work of growing and developing is done alone, everything is more difficult, more complex and slower. Networking with others, even if they are different from us, is fundamental. Putting common problems on the diversity table is a good sign of progress. We must generate this capacity and make it a virtuous action. Working from a “divine trinity”, state, represented in the municipality, private enterprise and territory, is without any doubt one of the best options to continue growing, from the effective and affective, in the design of a fair, honest and more loving life for all.
What remains to be done? Without any doubt, the training of leaders is essential for continuing with the progress we have achieved, we need a well-managed knowledge base that allows us to debate, generate, co-create, and contribute from the strongest demands to the most affective proposals. We must be at the level of the social and political circumstances; we must be a proactive contribution but without losing our critical vision of the society we have built.
Note from the editorial team: Municipalities are in charge of the local administration of each commune or grouping of communes (or territories) determined by law. They are “autonomous corporations under public law, with legal personality and their own patrimony, whose purpose is to satisfy the needs of the local community and to ensure its participation in the economic, social and cultural progress of the local community and ensure its participation in the economic, social and cultural progress of the respective communes” (Law no. 18.695, 2006: 1). The Neighborhood Councils are “community organizations of a territorial nature, representative of the people residing in the same neighborhood unit and whose purpose is to promote the development of the community, defend the interests and watch over the rights of the neighbors and collaborate with the authorities of the State and the municipalities” (Decree, 58, 1997: 1).
3.1 Educational Background 3.2 Service Learning 3.3 Interdiscipline
3.1 Educational Background
Higher Education Institutions [HEIs] must:
The problems and needs of society at a global level do not respond to a linear or unidimensional reality as the traditional vision suggests, but rather there is a complexity and connectivity of problems that makes them less disagreeable and forces us to approach them as complex, inseparable and fedback (Carvajal, 2010, p.157); that is, a large magnitude and multidimensional reality, which requires a broadened vision to be understood. In this sense, the new paradigms and understanding of a complex world are strongly related to changes in education and the creation of new professional profiles that may integrate and elaborate knowledge from different fields, cooperate with different actors and move in intersectorial and interdisciplinary teams, according to the current challenges (Carvajal, 2010).
Generate learning bases of high social value in knowledge.
Respond to new networked structures.
IES Instituciones de Educación Superior
Have a critical view of society and its responsibility with human development and sustainability.
Conduct researchbased onthecontextof its application.
Participate in finding solutions to urgent human problems.
Understanding this and the challenges of the Service Learning methodology, in which contextualized learning with sense and from the senses is promoted, we have prepared this document as a first input to - as stated in our prologue - think about interdiscipline.
Accordingly, this results in the need of creating subjects and developing more flexible programs with the current world’s expectations, from an approach.
Source: Burgos et. al., 2019, p. 13-14
3.2 Service Learning
Service Learning (SL) is a teaching-learning methodology that seeks the active learning of students.
Applying the expertise to real-world contexts through services co-built along with community partners facing genuine social challenges. (Furco, et. al, 2002 and Jouannet, et, al. 2013).
What for?
It seeks to enhance in students, transversal skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, communication skills and mainly social commitment (Caire, et. al, 2018).
This program has been implemented in different higher education institutions, which ensure teaching-learning processes connected to social reality.
Key Issues:
Main characteristics:
1 2 3
An academic objective linked to more and better learning for the students.
Works with the community horizontally on a social challenge.
Integrates curricular objectives or learning service results.
Conceives the teaching teams as facilitators and guides of the process.
A quality service and a genuine and real contribution to a solution of a community challenge.
Plans different times for the services to be developed.
Determines the constitution of a partnership between the community and the university, developing work networks over time.
Assigns a protected time for the reflection moment.
A space for training in attitudes and values.
Promotes student protagonism.
Source: Jouannet et al, 2016
Fuente: Burgos et. al., 2019, p. 13-14
Model for SL implementation in a course
Model for SL implementation in a course
CONSTITUTION OF SL PARTNERSHIP The reflection It is an axis transversal to the experience, which gives meaning to the experience so that students understand the relationship with the disciplinary contents and, very importantly, learn about the community context with which they will develop the project. INITIAL PRESENTATION OF SL IN THE COURSE SERVICE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION
We develop different types of
elaboration of educational material, consulting, data collection, research, feedback, etc.
Actors in the methodology
Students must: • detect the challenges that need to be worked through a diagnostic • co-work on the project in an integrated way with the contents and tools of the course. • communicate and work as a team. • better understand the social context of the community, in order to be well prepared for the upcoming professional challenges.
are the protagonists of the project and they assume the commitment to develop with excellence the key objectives of the project.
Community partner/ The community:
These are non-profit organizations that belong to a specific territory or community and whose objective is to work for the common good for the sustainable development of people and society.
is the counterpart with whom it is agreed to co construct a service.
Teaching team:
It is responsible for planning the course ensuring a constructive alignment between the course objectives, the SL methodology and the assessment strategy.
is composed of professors and assistants.
Source: Burgos et. al., 2019, p. 19-20.
It does not conceive learning processes exclusively in terms of individual growth, but also as part of broader processes of building the common good. This is the reason why Service Learning projects aim to identify the most relevant and pertinent knowledge for the resolution of relevant reality problems beyond the walls of the classroom, and in many cases this requires knowledge from different disciplines (Dirección Nacional de Políticas Socio educativas, 2016).
The purpose of this guide is to invite you to collectively dare to develop projects with interdisciplinary Service Learning:
Have you ever wondered if the course in which you teach can be linked with another course to generate common projects?
Before answering this question, it is necessary to consider the concept of:
3.3 Interdiscipline
Changes paradigms
What is it?
It uses a design and study methodology that is not limited to a particular field and requires the use of perspectives and skills from the disciplines involved throughout multiple phases of the research process (Christensen et al, 2021).
It is understood as the integration of perspectives, information, data, techniques, tools, concepts and/or theories of two or more disciplines, which not only gathers knowledge and contributions thereof, but also synthesizes them through an interaction, interrelationship, dialogue and collaboration for a more global understanding of the world (Moirano, R. et.al 2020 citing Perignat et.al, 2019).
Promotes an interdisciplinary learning
It is understood as the teaching-learning process in which people work collaboratively in building new knowledge, based on their know-how and experiences, integrating methods, approaches and knowledge from different disciplines.
Main characteristics of an interdisciplinary experience:
An interdisciplinary Service-Learning project should comply with these characteristics andbeapromoter of interdisciplinary learning. For this reason, designing this type of experience requires close co llaboration, teamplanningand joint teachingof subjectsby teachers from different disciplines, which is not exempt from challenges. In fact,
Dialogue that allows communication between different disciplinary languages. Communication
Intrinsic values
It involves intrinsic values such as equality, equity, inclusion, democratization and recognition of other disciplines.
It gives rise to the reconstruction of know-how for a better approach to the needs of the community. Reconstruction of know-how
It requires constant pedagogical reflection and intentional integration to promote interdisciplinary learning.
Benefits of interdiscipline
Challenges of interdiscipline
1 It contributes to generate flexible thinking, develops and improves learning skills, makes understanding easier, increases the ability
2 “It allows the
1 demand the open exchange of ideas, challenging personal and institutional boundaries that act to maintain a sense of Interdisciplinary collaborations
2 Cooperating disciplines Cooperating disciplines: may not share tacit values and assumptions, theories, epistemologies, notions of appropriate evidence, methodologies, and the ways in which the disciplines interact with society. (Lélé and Norgaard 2005; Schoenberger 2001).
reinforcement of values among teachers and students, such as: flexibility, trust, patience, intuition, divergent thinking , sensitivity towards other people, and learning to move in diversity. ”
of accessing the acquired knowledge and improves skills to integrate dissimilar contexts.
ownership and authority over the territories of knowledge.
“ It facilitates and enriches the task of deconstructing complexity, to make action possible and to open up the possibility of creative answers to the usual problems.” (G. Muñoz citing to McDermott, 2014: 24).
4 “It broadens the
3 There are practical issues such as scheduling time, keeping everyone on the team informed of project Teams:
orientation that students require within their own discipline and makes it inclusive of other areas or specialties that collaborate to a common benefit” (Posada, 2004, p. 16).
developments, and building trust (Suarez-Balcazar et al. 2006).
It brings a diversity of perspectives in the approach of effective solutions to genuine social problems (Dirección Nacional de Políticas Socioeducativas, 2016).
Why in the UC?
In the UC, based on a series of internal assessments and of international peers, the atomization of our academic activity has been identified as a recurring weakness, with a fragmented structure that has made it difficult to promote spaces for interdisciplinary meetings. For this reason, in recent years, initiatives have been created such as the College program (which promotes multidisciplinary training), the new General Training Plan, the creation of interdisciplinary centers and programs and new disciplinary and interdisciplinary schools and institutes, such as the Institute for Sustainable Development and the future Institute of Applied Ethics (UC Development Plan 2020 - 2025). zzzz Considering these elements and the challenge to promote academic collaboration and collective creation, the UC Service-Learning Program began a reflection process to implement initiatives that promote interdisciplinary teaching with a focus on Service-Learning.
“ The interdisciplinary approach in the service-learning methodology is an element of innovation that contributes to strengthening teacher and student commitment to the teaching-learning process through the creation of a positive social impact, generating value both inside and outside the classroom, which promotes an integrated learning process, over others that are more fragmented” (Álvarez and Villarreal, 2019).
IV. SERVICE LEARNING AND INTERDISCIPLINE 4.1 ¿How to build an interdisciplinary SL project? 4.2 Complementary resources
¿How to build an interdisciplinary SL project?
Elements of a SL project
The course includes didactic strategies that promote dialogue and reflection among students.
The assessment strategies of the course promote know-how integration.
The course should be focused on addressing real social issues
A service objective based on the social challenges agreed with the community.
The learning result(s) of each subject which are addressed with the SL methodology.
The course includes didactic strategies that promote teamwork.
The assessment strategies promote the use of newmethods and strategies for solving social problems.
Meetings and collaborative work with the community.
Working time, type of activity, number of sessions, etc.
Criteria to ensure interdiscipline in a SL course:
One or more reflection strategies including opportunities that allow working on prejudices, connecting with reality,, knowing the context, etc.
The project or service of the course that responds to an identified problem or challenge/ Specific services that students in the course may carry out.
Assessing interdisciplinarity in a SL course Below is the checklist designed by CDDoc to assess interdisciplinarity in a SL course. Please indicate with an X if the criterion is observed in the design of the course. If you consider it necessary, add comments on aspects to improve in each case.
Complementary resources
We share some resources that may be very useful when designing an interdisciplinary course:
How to generate Interdisciplinary Learning?
Example for promoting dialogue
Assessment to promote interdisciplinary learning
Active methodologies to promote interdisciplinary learning
Tool kit for your SL courses
1. The course is focused on addressing real social problems.
Orientation guides for professors
Reflection UC SL Page
2. The course includes didactic strategies that promote dialogue and reflection among students.
Horizons for a quality Service Learning
3. The course includes didactic strategies that promote teamwork.
Webinar: Collaborative Design of an interdisciplinary SL course .
4. 4. The course assessment strategies promote know-how integration .
5. The assessment strategies promote the use of newmethods and strategies for social problem solving.
V. UC SL INTERDISCIPLINARY EXPERIENCES In the section Interdisciplinary Service Learning Experiences, we will share good working practices with the Service Learning methodology and the interdisciplinary approach that address social challenges from different disciplinary perspectives along with the community.
ODS What is it?: setofglobalobjectivestoeradicatepoverty,protecttheplanetandensure prosperityforallaspartofanewsustainabledevelopmentagenda (UnitedNations,2015).
Strategies for Qualitative Data Production and Analysis (SL); Data and Research Analysis
Teaching team: Alejandra Rasse, Claudia Valderrama and Daniela Bolivar.
Careers: Social Work and Civil Construction.
Course level: Social Work 3rd semester, but is in a process of changing its curriculum, in Civil Construction 3rd semester.
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 10 and 11.
Brief description of the experience:
It consists of supplementary work of two courses complemented by an interdisciplinary research experience. During the first semester of the current year, a study is carried out to explore the mobility difficulties of elderly people within their homes, in their immediate surroundings and their local transportation needs. In the second semester, the students of the Civil Construction career will analyze the quantitative data in order to finally develop a regulatory proposal on inclusive housing for elderly people.
Social challenge met: Main problems that elderly people has in their homes.
Service or product co-built with the community: Report to municipalities on the difficulties of elderly people in their homes.
Learning results achieved: Thinking and developing qualitative research, constructing interview guidelines, contacting communities, conducting interviews, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
Institutions/community partners involved: Municipalities of Renca and Providencia.
Interrelationship not only means that both courses generate materials for each other, but also that the social work course, its teaching staff and students know that they have an assignment from construction and construction knows that they have materials that come from social work. So the students are taken out of their comfort zone.
Work in groups, community interviews and data analysis with statistical tools. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
Courses of interpretation mention viola and Voice I: perception (section 3), at School of Theater.
Careers: Musical Interpretation with mention in viola and Acting.
Teaching team: Penelope Ann Knuth and Gala Fernández.
Course level: Acting 1st semester
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 4, and 10.
Brief description of the experience:
This is a theoretical and practical collaboration between theater and musical interpretation. The dialogue happens among the teaching staff, theater students and Gonzalo Hernandez (main instrumentalist). Theater students create stories for children, which are shared with Gonzalo and Penelope. A musical show is created with a shared direction, integrating musical, dramatic and performative approaches, resulting in a musicalized story for blind children of the Hellen Keller school.
Social challenge met: Access to music for blind children.
Service or product co-built with the community: Musicalized story.
Since the social unrest, when we attended on-site classes, all students have developed technology skills that most of them didn’t have before, nor did they care about, and also the changes in the cultural world, the audience capacity in potential concerts, and I insist that performance students have to be much more versatile with their knowledge and very creative in inventing fields of work, but always my main interest in this type of collaboration with the community and with the faculty’s schools is that it is very beneficial for students both academically and emotionally.
Learning results achieved: Performance, public confidence,
Institutions/community partners involved: Hellen Keller school.
pedagogical skills on instruments, abilities with technology, insertion skills in the labor market, dialogues between disciplines of the arts.
Dialogue between theater and music, remote and on-site work. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
Developmental Psychology I; Workshop: Product.
Teaching teams: 2012 Psychology:
• Teaching team: María Rosa Lissi, Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Paulina Barrientos, Javiera Beas, Fernanda Prieto, Catalina Henríquez, Pietro Montagna, Macarena Sanhueza, Javiera Bruna, Fernanda Figueroa, Fernanda Goñi, Paulette Neveu, Gonzalo Orellana and Consuelo Urzúa. Design: • Teaching team: María Rosa Lissi, Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Magdalena Manríquez and Raimundo Molina. 2013 Psychology: • Teaching team: Maribel Calderón, Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Paulina Barrientos, Sofía Cabezas, Juan Andrés García, Fernanda Goñi, Valentina Leyton, Denisse Ojeda, Melina Pedraza, Ma Leonor Rodríguez, Felipe Sánchez and Macarena Sanhueza. Design: • Teaching team: Sibelle Bagú, Zinnia Silva, Ismael Prieto and Alejandro Durán. • Assistants: Andrea Balmaceda, Nicolás Morales, Ignacio Pérez and Weichi He. 2014 Psychology: • Teaching team: Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau, Iván Grudechut and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Paulina Barrientos, Ignacio Bórquez, Javiera Bruna, Sofía Cabezas, Raffaela Carvacho, Matías Donoso, Sergio Hofmann, Juan Andrés García, Iñaki Goñi, Hernán Lazcano, Valentina Leyton, Bernardita Martínez, Valentina Morales, Ma Leonor Rodríguez, Yves Rouliez, Felipe Sánchez and Elisa Torres. Design: • Teaching team: Sibelle Bagú, José Manuel Vélez, Raimundo Molina and Alejandro Durán • Assistants: Sofía Irarrazabal, María Paz Rojas, Francisco Marín, Christian Della Maggiora and Javiera Parra.
When two disciplinary cultures meet in a collaborative work process, they not only exchange know-how and language games specific to each career, but also intersect ways of approaching the challenges they face. A Design student, from her capacity to abstract and extrapolate, must be in constant contact with the material culture and human interactions. Thus, when a Psychology student presents her partner with an unknown concept such as “Zone of Proximal Development”, the Design student must not only understand its meaning, but also implement it in cases where it can be exemplified and applied.
Course level: Psychology 4th semester and Design 4th semester.
Careers: Psychology and Design.
The interdisciplinary dynamic of both courses included a collaborative work between the teams of Psychology students and the studios with Design students. Their intervention was developed in kindergartens and nursery schools in the Metropolitan region, where by means of the application of standardized instruments, the Developmental Psychology students generated diagnoses of the progress level of children in early childhood. These analyses allowed defining support strategies, establishing objectives that were addressed by the Design studies from field research, ethnographic techniques and design of games/toys proposals to promote the development of children in these learning spaces. Brief description of the experience:
Social challenge met: Promote developmental stage of children.
Learning results achieved: learning first data collection tools, integrating theory and practice, dialoguing with other disciplines, interdisciplinary skills, turning interaction into form, designing and manufacturing materials for infant development. Service or product co-built with the community: a play material or toy that is specifically designed to promote development in a group of children with first and last names
Institutions/community partners involved: Early childhood education centers or kindergartens.
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 4 and 10.
work in groups, dialogue with a community, project implementation. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
This is also the case when a Psychology student is introduced to terms such as affordance, understood as the potential of certain perceptible characteristics of an object to allow intuitively recognizing how to use it, and although it originates from Psychology, it takes on great relevance at the moment of design and is essential when proposing interventions that have a positive impact on people’s development.
Cmd Vive Salud: Building a Healthy Habitat.
Careers: open course.
Teaching team: Rodrigo Tapia and Marisa Torres.
Service or product co-built with the community: Design of social projects.
Course level: Different levels.
Brief description of the experience:
The course addresses the relationship between the residential habitat and the health of people in the community. It is important to understand that people’s health is a manifestation of multiple factors, among which social and environmental determinants (SDH) play a fundamental role. Physical space is understood as a relevant factor of health (biopsychosocial) and at the same time, that the state of health, well-being and quality of life is a consequence of the constant exchange of the subject with its surrounding physical space.
Social challenge met: improving the quality of life and well-being of elderly people in socially vulnerable areas.
Learning results achieved: • To value the residential habitat as a determining agent of people’s health in the community. • To develop models of interdisciplinary territorial intervention in healthy housing, with a perspective of social development. • To experience the characteristics of the interdisciplinary teamwork and the work in contact with the community.
Institutions/community partners involved: Senior Club, Municipality.
We are interested that students can, from the development of a work experience with an organization or families of a specific vulnerable territory, learn basic concepts of healthy habitat, generate a relevant interaction and systematic interdisciplinary reflection and develop a social intervention project that works on risk factors and generates protective elements of health.
ODS addressed in the experience: 1, 3 ,10 , 11
Diagnostic analysis of risk and protective factors in the community by means of surveys, interviews and construction of genograms, progress review sessions with both the municipality and the community involved. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
Introduction to Kinesiology, Introduction to Nutrition and Occupational Therapy, Profession and Discipline.
Careers: Kinesiology, Nutrition and Occupational Therapy.
Teaching team: Ma Fernanda Calvo, Alejandra Espinosa and Nayadet Lucero.
Course level: First year.
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 4, 10 and 13.
Brief description of the experience:
The three courses work in a complementary manner with the same populations, with the purpose of enabling first year students to identify their own personal role and to identify the professional role of another person, and to understand that there are needs in populations that can be addressed by different disciplines and that the disciplines can complement each other.
Social challenge met: To inform about health prevention promotion.
Service or product co-built with the community: Educational material for health prevention promotion in early childhood and elderly population.
Institutions/community partners involved: Elderly Organizations and Kindergartens.
Learning results achieved:
Being an introductory course, where children do not know what a kinesiologist, a therapist or a nutritionist does, I think we are appealing to interdiscipline by identifying one’s own personal role and identifying the professional role of another person, understanding that there are needs in populations that can be addressed by different disciplines, so doing something together would be fantastic.
Drawing dictation, interviews, problem tree and timeline. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
Cmd Sustainability
Teaching team: Ignacio Oliva, Noelle Katz, Patricio Camoglino, Constanza Fredes, Arturo Lorca, Pablo Villoch and Juan Carlos Muñoz.
Careers: General Formation Course.
Course level: General Formation Course, involving different levels.
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Although there is an interest in addressing all objectives.
Brief description of the experience:
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary initiative that contributes to the understanding and contribution of students to the sustainable development of the planet. The course includes lectures from different disciplines, from professors or community representatives, and the realization of group works. The groups are composed of students from different careers, with gender equity and diversity, but with interest in common themes. These themes are presented during the semester by communities and the challenges must be approached from an academic perspective integrating interdisciplinary know-how, but also including visions from the communities or territories, in a transdisciplinary way.
Social challenge met: The challenges are diverse and are related to the objectives of sustainable development, ranging from the dimensions of sustainability crisis, poverty, inequality, deterioration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, climate change or the lack of social cohesion in cities.
Service or product co-built with the community: The services are as diverse as the community partners and the social challenges addressed. Diagnoses of social and environmental problems are elaborated, integrating visions from different disciplines.
The topics of sustainable development, of sustainability have a lot to do, at least in the part we lack in the training of students, in interdisciplinary areas.
Learning results achieved: To understand and contribute to the sustainable development of the planet. Approach broad problems from different disciplines. Link three dimensions of sustainability: mind, heart and hands. Act, be moved and learn together with different people. Generate systematic anticipatory reflection through learning content and reflecting on it.
Institutions/community partners involved: Organizations linked to sustainability issues, such as the Municipality of Renca, Comunidad Basura Cero, Hogar de Cristo, Techo, Infocap, Universidad Católica.
Work in groups of students coming from different disciplines. -Master lectures by professors and people from different disciplines, where there is dialogue and conversation between students and guests. -Linking of students with common interests from different sections of the course. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
We already have a department of ecology, we have a department of hydraulic engineering, we have a faculty of biology, people who approach problems from a rather mono-disciplinary perspective and in the universities, not even in our university, the university system has been structured around units that are somewhat monolithic from a disciplinary point of view and I believe this has led to a series of elements, problems, areas of work or training and research needs being left in no man’s land when it comes to addressing them.
Towards Cycling Inclusive Cities: Planning, Participation and Design; Sustainable Transportation Planning, Citizenship and City.
Careers: Transportation Engineering.
Teaching team: Lake Sagaris.
Course level: Both courses from 7th semester or postgraduate.
ODS addressed in the experience: 5, 7, 10, 11,16 and 17.
Brief description of the experience:
Both courses work with participatory pedagogy where they apply participative research techniques for action and maintain general collaboration with Dr. Sagaris’ Laboratory for Social Change. The course has a component of classroom work and in parallel a group work Lab Vivo where they have to respond to the needs of a community actor, and carry out a work where they apply the principles and methods of the courses. The procedures of these courses are based on different disciplines both for the theoretical and practical contents as well as for the methods.
Institutions/community partners involved: Municipality of Renca, CEDEUS, Movimiento contra el Exceso de velocidad, Indepecleta, UC Sustainability Office, Junta de Vecinas 13 Mario Baeza Barrio Bellavista and Laboratorio de Cambio Social Social challenge met: Moving towards more sustainable living systems, and in this sense, mobility and neighborhood organization offer us many very concrete tools.
Service or product co-built with the community: Proposal of communal regulatory plans, Design plans for Bikeways, UC Bicycle Program Pilot, Proposals for the development and changes to the Public Transportation System, Proposals for the improvement of public spaces.
This is both a research and pedagogical strategy that aims to address a complex world, a complex open system that is the city or coexistence in the territory, the complexities range from the social, inequalities, segregation, but also the environmental issue, then also the technological issue, the buses, the applications, that itself is a complex issue. Thus, for complex issues it is necessary to have simple methods, as simple as possible.
Learning results achieved: Working in groups, critical thinking and creativity to solve problems.
Assessment/reflection strategies used:
-Action research is based on horizontal relationships, there is a democratic cultural partnership based on equity and inclusion, so students teach the community and learn from it, and the community also teaches and learns. -Group work
-Applied research, since theoretical knowledge is applied in practice. -Surveys from sociology, transportation engineering or other disciplines. -Participatory workshops with reflection, exchange and validation of work.
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