A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning

began a new taking-off era that was shown to the world with a gigantic diversity. This diversity of talents in the territory is fundamental. Self-education has been slowly and in a very reflexive way. The leaders handle all kinds of information. Access to Internet has helped us a lot to approach interesting readings that feed us and organize our knowledge. We have unintentionally transformed ourselves into different professions, we have many hats, many disciplines, we know everything. So have the authorities and the new neighbors who have approached us: private companies, NGOs, embassies and others. Private companies have wanted to come to the territories as a contribution to this integral development and have been very careful and serene in the landing. After the social outbreak of October 2019, the relationship of companies towards the territories and vice versa has been healthy and has responded to this necessary diversity in order to move forward in the development of communities. The “public-private investment” modality has shown signs of being a good way to generate resources and good ideas to move forward, even with the support of institutions, NGOs and local governments. Nowadays, social organizations are no strangers to these processes; we have joined these new ways of relating, collaborating, sharing our experience and moving forward as a block without anyone being left behind. Our communities are grateful and join in.

political problems and even natural disasters. The territories became dirty and were no longer the first line of support for their people. Obviously, some communities never stopped working even with these “restrictions”. Some of them worked clandestinely Others made it for an extreme need: common pots for example. Beautiful organizations were formed for the defense of human rights and so many others. When democracy arrived, or as close to democracy as we could get, it brought hope for the resurgence of these organizations, which are fundamental for the development of people and their territories. . Rather, it brought the legal supports so that the organizations could exist and work legally, which meant that new opportunities to access various types of collaborations and funding were possible. Leaders required a comprehensive training in order to better manage their leadership. Mobilized communities with greater social and political awareness were also opening many spaces for citizen participation, demanding binding and active methodologies and formats. Schools of different types of organizations were born, such as administrative committees and advancement committees. The churches and temples reopened to the community, the headquarters began to receive housewives and their workshops, elderly people started their own organizations for elderly people, urban vegetable gardens, cyclists, tutoring for children, first aid courses, were born which generated a great demand for participation in the community., which generated a great demand for meetings, funds, worthy and appropriate spaces to support this variety of activities. With time, technology arrived and libraries and the Internet appeared. The communities

The “divine trinity” may be a solution for the integral development of the territory:

One of the most devastating legacies of the Pinochet dictatorship that is still evident nowadays, apart from the systematic violation of Human Rights (HR), is the destruction of the social network from its grassroots organizations. The persecution of social, union, religious, sports and other organization leaders not only was due to their political ideology, but also to the character of the social and political node represented by each one of them. The diversity of their activities made a territory full of experience, made the life of the communities very valuable, and for many years this was considered a danger for the authorities. For a long time, the municipalities worked by electing the boards of directors of the Neighborhood Councils (JJVVV) handpicked in a flawed and corrupt manner. In this way, the existence of “political actors” was encouraged according to the position of the Mayor or Mayoress on duty. The disappearance of these organizations generated loneliness and instability in families when they had to face various social and

Working from a “divine trinity”, the state, represented in the municipality, private enterprise and territory, is without any doubt one of the best options to continue growing, from the effective and affective, in designing a fair, honest and more loving life for everyone.

Mario Orellana Gómez, Director School of Social Leaders.

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