A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning

Strategies for Qualitative Data Production and Analysis (SL); Data and Research Analysis

Teaching team: Alejandra Rasse, Claudia Valderrama and Daniela Bolivar.

Careers: Social Work and Civil Construction.

Course level: Social Work 3rd semester, but is in a process of changing its curriculum, in Civil Construction 3rd semester.

ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 10 and 11.

Brief description of the experience:

It consists of supplementary work of two courses complemented by an interdisciplinary research experience. During the first semester of the current year, a study is carried out to explore the mobility difficulties of elderly people within their homes, in their immediate surroundings and their local transportation needs. In the second semester, the students of the Civil Construction career will analyze the quantitative data in order to finally develop a regulatory proposal on inclusive housing for elderly people.

Social challenge met: Main problems that elderly people has in their homes.

Service or product co-built with the community: Report to municipalities on the difficulties of elderly people in their homes.

Learning results achieved: Thinking and developing qualitative research, constructing interview guidelines, contacting communities, conducting interviews, analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.

Institutions/community partners involved: Municipalities of Renca and Providencia.

Interrelationship not only means that both courses generate materials for each other, but also that the social work course, its teaching staff and students know that they have an assignment from construction and construction knows that they have materials that come from social work. So the students are taken out of their comfort zone.

Work in groups, community interviews and data analysis with statistical tools. Assessment/reflection strategies used:

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