A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning
Cmd Sustainability
Teaching team: Ignacio Oliva, Noelle Katz, Patricio Camoglino, Constanza Fredes, Arturo Lorca, Pablo Villoch and Juan Carlos Muñoz.
Careers: General Formation Course.
Course level: General Formation Course, involving different levels.
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Although there is an interest in addressing all objectives.
Brief description of the experience:
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary initiative that contributes to the understanding and contribution of students to the sustainable development of the planet. The course includes lectures from different disciplines, from professors or community representatives, and the realization of group works. The groups are composed of students from different careers, with gender equity and diversity, but with interest in common themes. These themes are presented during the semester by communities and the challenges must be approached from an academic perspective integrating interdisciplinary know-how, but also including visions from the communities or territories, in a transdisciplinary way.
Social challenge met: The challenges are diverse and are related to the objectives of sustainable development, ranging from the dimensions of sustainability crisis, poverty, inequality, deterioration of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, climate change or the lack of social cohesion in cities.
Service or product co-built with the community: The services are as diverse as the community partners and the social challenges addressed. Diagnoses of social and environmental problems are elaborated, integrating visions from different disciplines.
The topics of sustainable development, of sustainability have a lot to do, at least in the part we lack in the training of students, in interdisciplinary areas.
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