A guide for Service Learning Institutionalization of a career
4. Course: “Problems in intercultural Commun i cat i on” ( Prob l emas en comunicación intercultural)
the Service Learning methodology in school settings (kinder through high school) and in community contexts. The Practice experience consists of implementing a Service Learning project in local schools in their district. Source: compact.org/resource-posts/service- learning-pedagogy-and-practice/ Source: Sheafer, v. (2014). Using Service Learning to Teach Classic Learning Theories. Psychology Journal, 11(2), p. 77-82. ISSN: 1931 5694 interracial relationships in schools and communities. It seeks to develop this capacity in high school students, so that they become agents of change in their schools. Through community-based strategies for intercultural and interracial understanding, we seek tobuild relationships, manage conflicts and develop positiveattitudes about peaceandcoexistence. This isdonebydevelopinghighschool students’ civic and leadership skills to empower them to diminish differences and imagine a shared vision for their community. They also work with these students educating them in forms of individual and collective responsibility and leadership for the transformation of their schools, communities and country, seeking to promote dialogue as amechanism to achieve peaceful coexistenceand intercultural learning. Source: compact.org/resource-posts/ problems-in-intercultural-communication/ fromdifferent theories (classical conditioning, operant conditioning and/or social learning theory). The final work of this course consisted of (1) describing the site where the service is performed and describing the services to be provided; (2) applying the learning principles during their community service; and (3) a reflection on the lessons learned during the service experience.
Institution : St. Cloud State University
6. Course: “Service Learning pedagogy and practice” (Pedagogía y Practice del Aprendizaje y Servicio) Institution : California StateUniversity, Fresno Associated disciplines : Education, Didactics Webdel Course : https://bb-app.csufresno.edu Description of the service: This course seeks to prepare students to design and implement Descriptionof the service: Thework consists of performing 3 hours of community service in different institutions or organizations where they had to apply the principles of learning Associated disciplines: Learning psychology; learning theories Description of the course : This course seeks that students learn the classical learning theories. Associated disciplines : Communication; Social sciences and humanities Description of the course: This Course seeks to provide a basis for understanding potential intercultural communication problems that emerge frominteractionsbetweenpeople from different cultures. Themain focusof this course is to understand the causes of intercultural conflicts in different communication scenarios and how to deal with them effectively. Descriptionof the service : BasedonGandhi’s philosophy (“be the change you want to see in the world”), we seek to develop knowledge and skills to build fraternal intercultural and 5. Course: “Learning and cognition” (Aprendizaje y Cognición) Institution : LeTourneau University
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