A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning

Elements of a SL project

The course includes didactic strategies that promote dialogue and reflection among students.

The assessment strategies of the course promote know-how integration.

The course should be focused on addressing real social issues

A service objective based on the social challenges agreed with the community.

The learning result(s) of each subject which are addressed with the SL methodology.

The course includes didactic strategies that promote teamwork.

The assessment strategies promote the use of newmethods and strategies for solving social problems.

Meetings and collaborative work with the community.

Working time, type of activity, number of sessions, etc.

Criteria to ensure interdiscipline in a SL course:

One or more reflection strategies including opportunities that allow working on prejudices, connecting with reality,, knowing the context, etc.

The project or service of the course that responds to an identified problem or challenge/ Specific services that students in the course may carry out.

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