A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning

Assessing interdisciplinarity in a SL course Below is the checklist designed by CDDoc to assess interdisciplinarity in a SL course. Please indicate with an X if the criterion is observed in the design of the course. If you consider it necessary, add comments on aspects to improve in each case.

Complementary resources

We share some resources that may be very useful when designing an interdisciplinary course:

How to generate Interdisciplinary Learning?

Example for promoting dialogue

Assessment to promote interdisciplinary learning



Active methodologies to promote interdisciplinary learning

Tool kit for your SL courses

1. The course is focused on addressing real social problems.

Orientation guides for professors

Reflection UC SL Page

2. The course includes didactic strategies that promote dialogue and reflection among students.

Horizons for a quality Service Learning

3. The course includes didactic strategies that promote teamwork.

Webinar: Collaborative Design of an interdisciplinary SL course .

4. 4. The course assessment strategies promote know-how integration .

5. The assessment strategies promote the use of newmethods and strategies for social problem solving.

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