A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning

Developmental Psychology I; Workshop: Product.

Teaching teams: 2012 Psychology:

• Teaching team: María Rosa Lissi, Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Paulina Barrientos, Javiera Beas, Fernanda Prieto, Catalina Henríquez, Pietro Montagna, Macarena Sanhueza, Javiera Bruna, Fernanda Figueroa, Fernanda Goñi, Paulette Neveu, Gonzalo Orellana and Consuelo Urzúa. Design: • Teaching team: María Rosa Lissi, Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Magdalena Manríquez and Raimundo Molina. 2013 Psychology: • Teaching team: Maribel Calderón, Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Paulina Barrientos, Sofía Cabezas, Juan Andrés García, Fernanda Goñi, Valentina Leyton, Denisse Ojeda, Melina Pedraza, Ma Leonor Rodríguez, Felipe Sánchez and Macarena Sanhueza. Design: • Teaching team: Sibelle Bagú, Zinnia Silva, Ismael Prieto and Alejandro Durán. • Assistants: Andrea Balmaceda, Nicolás Morales, Ignacio Pérez and Weichi He. 2014 Psychology: • Teaching team: Gonzalo Gallardo, Valeska Grau, Iván Grudechut and Christian Sebastián. • Assistants: Paulina Barrientos, Ignacio Bórquez, Javiera Bruna, Sofía Cabezas, Raffaela Carvacho, Matías Donoso, Sergio Hofmann, Juan Andrés García, Iñaki Goñi, Hernán Lazcano, Valentina Leyton, Bernardita Martínez, Valentina Morales, Ma Leonor Rodríguez, Yves Rouliez, Felipe Sánchez and Elisa Torres. Design: • Teaching team: Sibelle Bagú, José Manuel Vélez, Raimundo Molina and Alejandro Durán • Assistants: Sofía Irarrazabal, María Paz Rojas, Francisco Marín, Christian Della Maggiora and Javiera Parra.

When two disciplinary cultures meet in a collaborative work process, they not only exchange know-how and language games specific to each career, but also intersect ways of approaching the challenges they face. A Design student, from her capacity to abstract and extrapolate, must be in constant contact with the material culture and human interactions. Thus, when a Psychology student presents her partner with an unknown concept such as “Zone of Proximal Development”, the Design student must not only understand its meaning, but also implement it in cases where it can be exemplified and applied.

Course level: Psychology 4th semester and Design 4th semester.

Careers: Psychology and Design.

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