A guide for Interdisciplinary Service Learning
The interdisciplinary dynamic of both courses included a collaborative work between the teams of Psychology students and the studios with Design students. Their intervention was developed in kindergartens and nursery schools in the Metropolitan region, where by means of the application of standardized instruments, the Developmental Psychology students generated diagnoses of the progress level of children in early childhood. These analyses allowed defining support strategies, establishing objectives that were addressed by the Design studies from field research, ethnographic techniques and design of games/toys proposals to promote the development of children in these learning spaces. Brief description of the experience:
Social challenge met: Promote developmental stage of children.
Learning results achieved: learning first data collection tools, integrating theory and practice, dialoguing with other disciplines, interdisciplinary skills, turning interaction into form, designing and manufacturing materials for infant development. Service or product co-built with the community: a play material or toy that is specifically designed to promote development in a group of children with first and last names
Institutions/community partners involved: Early childhood education centers or kindergartens.
ODS addressed in the experience: 3, 4 and 10.
work in groups, dialogue with a community, project implementation. Assessment/reflection strategies used:
This is also the case when a Psychology student is introduced to terms such as affordance, understood as the potential of certain perceptible characteristics of an object to allow intuitively recognizing how to use it, and although it originates from Psychology, it takes on great relevance at the moment of design and is essential when proposing interventions that have a positive impact on people’s development.
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