IV Seminario de Innovación Docente UC
La metodolog a A+S muestra tener un efecto positivo en las percepciones de aprendizaje de habilidades transversales. La evidencia de mejora en las percepciones de los estudiantes podr a servir como un proxy a mejoras en el aprendizaje. Si bien se trata de aspectos subjetivos, ser an los propios estudiantes los m s cr ticos al momento de evaluar su propio rendimiento. Futuras investigaciones deber n abordar si los efectos se extienden a habilidades disciplinares.
Cooper, S., Cripps, J., & Reisman, J. (2013). Service-learning in deaf studies: impact on the development of altruistic behaviors and social justice concern. American annals of the deaf. 157(5), 413-27. Cooper, JR. (2014). Ten Years in the Trenches: Faculty Perspectives on Sustaining Service-Learning. Journal of Experiential Education. 37(4), 415–428.
Eyler, J. (2011). Creating your reflection map. New directions for higher education. 114, 35–43.
Eyler, J. (2009). The power of experiential education. Liberal Education. 95(4), 24-31.
Ferrer-Lues, M. (2003). Equidad y justicia en salud implicaciones para la bio tica. Acta Bioethica. 9(1), 113-126.
Flynn, D., van Schaik, P., & van Wersch, A. (2004). A comparison of multi-item likert and visual analogue scales for the assessment of transactionally defined coping. European Journal Psychological Assessment. 20, 49–58.
Furco, A., & Billig, S. (2002). Service learning: the essence of pedagogy. Connecticut: IAP.
Groh, C., Stallwood, L., & Daniels, J. (2001). Service-learning in nursing education: its impact on leadership and social justice. Nursing Education Perspectives. 32(6), 400-5.
Haye, MHS., & Paterson, DG. (1921). Experimental development of the graphic rating method. Psychol Bull. 18, 98–99.
Jenkins, A., & Sheehey, P. (2011). A checklist for implementing Service- Learning in higher education. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. 4(2), 52-60. Jouannet, Ch., Salas, ME., & Contreras, MA. (2013). Modelo de implementación de Aprendizaje Servicio (A+S) en la UC: Una experiencia que impacta positivamente en la formación profesional integral. Calidad en la educación. 39, 197-212. Klimek, L., Bergmann, KC., Biedermann, T., Bousquet, J., Hellings, P., Jung, K., Pfaar, O. (2017). Visual analogue scales (VAS): Measuring instruments for the documentation of symptoms and therapy monitoring in cases of allergic rhinitis in everyday health care: Position Paper of the German Society of Allergology (AeDA) and the German Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI), ENT Section, in collaboration with the working group on Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Environmental Medicine of the German Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNOKHC). Allergo J Int.26, 16-24. OrganizaciónMundial de la Salud (WHO). Determinantes sociales de la salud. Recuperado de http://www.who.int/social_determinants/ es/.
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