Terapia Manual Ortopédica
Complejo articular de tobillo - pie
Articulación Tibiotarsiana
Referencias 1. L, B., W, H., & B, V. (2011). The efficacy of mobilisations with movement treatment on musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 97, eS134. 2. Vicenzino, B., Branjerdporn, M., Teys, P., & Jordan, K. (2006). Initial Changes in Posterior Talar Glide and Dorsiflexion of the Ankle After Mobilization With Movement in Individuals with Recurrent Ankle Sprain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 36(7), 464–471. https://doi.org/10.2519/ jospt.2006.2265 3. Gilbreath, J. P., Gaven, S. L., Van Lunen, B. L., & Hoch, M. C. (2014). The effects of Mobilization with Movement on dorsiflexion range of motion, dynamic balance, and self-reported function in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Manual Therapy, 19(2), 152–157.
Articulación Tibiotarsiana / Plantiflexión
(Movilización con movimiento)
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