UC Service Learning, Yearbook 2020


8th National Network of Service Learning Conference, REASE: Once again we participated in the Conference organized by REASE, this time in a remote format and in this opportunity, our assistants showed off! Tamara introduced the presentation “Service Learning in remote mode. Strengths and weaknesses according to the perception of UC students”. You can see the presentation here. Inaddition, Paulina led theworkshop “Technologies for Remote Service Learning”. You can see the workshop here. The SL professional team actively participated in the implementation of this activity. In addition, SL teaching staffs of the UC, also showed off! María Fernanda Calvo introduced the presentation “Experience of an introductory course to the kinesiology career in the context of the covid-19 pandemic” and Ignacio Oliva and Macarena Jiménez introduced the presentation: Is it important to implement the SL methodology in the context of a pandemic?. Assessment of the experience of community partners of the SL SUS1000 course taught remotely. It is expected to review these presentations soon in the Minute Book of the VIII REASE Conference, 2020.

Main milestones of SL UC Service Learning Yearbook 2020

Launch of DAE Grant Fund:

The second version of the grant fund took place together with DAE. It seeks to enhance the Service Learning experience to make it more significant than a course.

Main milestones of SL UC Service Learning Yearbook 2020

UC Fund in the neighborhood:

this Grant Fund was created from the Unidad de Vinculación y Desarrollo Comunitario (Community Liaison and Development Unit), with the support of FEUC (UC Student Federation), Service Learning, Puentes UC and Pastoral UC, and aims to promote work with the communities in the neighborhood of Campus San Joaquín of the UC, from the different actors that make up our community (students, teachers, Units or Programs of the University).



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