A Guide for the design and implementation of a service-learning (SL)
Verbal communication skills in Spanish
Communication Skills: Verbal
Definition : Efficacy in communicating ideas, knowledge and feelings through words, adapting to the characteristics of the situation and the recipients, both in daily conversational situations and in public professional presentations before audiences . The lower limit, not frequent, is observed in students who do not intervene in situations that require their active participation, this may be related to an excess of shyness or lack of self-confidence (attitudes), the main problems derived from the above would be the confusing and disorderly expression that hinders, and even prevents understanding by others and the contradiction between what is expressed with words and what is transmitted with body language; the lack of a logical structure. Uses examples or means of support that are not related to what he/she wishes to communicate and to the characteristics of the audience. Mastery of the competency implies clarity and effectiveness in communication, structured organization of the discourse, adaptation to the audience, Description:
Levels of mastery
congruence between verbal and body language, appropriate use of tone of voice and means of support and, in short, conveying what he/she really wants to communicate .
Intervenes actively in verbal exchange situations.
Intervenes actively in verbal exchange situations.
Transmits relevant information clearly.
Level 1: Expresses orally what he/she thinks or feels in a clear, relevant and timely manner in formal and informal situations..
Presents his/her work orally according to the indicated structure.
Levels of mastery:
Answers questions with ease and accuracy.
Level 1: Expresses orally what he/she thinks or feels in a clear, relevant and timely manner in formal and informal situations. Level 2: Uses concepts and ideas from the disciplinary framework to effectively express feelings and opinions, adapting to different contexts. Level 3: Communicates effectively opinions and proposals disciplinarily supported, in complex situations typical of the professional environment..
Self-regulates his/her behavior when communicating verbally. Supports his/her verbal interventions using the technolect proper to the discipline. Modulates his/her verbal and non-verbal language to enhance the key points of his/her speech depending on the context. His/her oral presentations are properly prepared and coherent to the kind of audience. His/her verbal interventions influence the speakers by generating new questions. Illustrates and supports his/her ideas by integrating examples, analogies and other resources appropriately. His verbal and nonverbal language is natural and appropriate for the audience. Modifies his verbal expression according to what he appreciates in his audience.
Level 2: Uses concepts and ideas from the disciplinary framework to effectively express feelings and opinions, adapting to different contexts..
Level 3: Communicates effectively opinions and proposals disciplinarily supported, in complex situations typical of the professional environment .
Encourages audience participation, asking constructive questions to achieve dialogue.
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