UC Service Learning, Yearbook 2020

School of Psychology Developmental Psychology I Course Level : Second year

School of Psychology Adult Learning and Education Course Level : Fifth year (and first year of Master degree)

Service Learning 2020 Projects UC Service Learning Yearbook 2020

Teaching Staff: -Teachers: Valeska Grau, Ana María Espinoza, María Rosa Lissi, Christian Sebastián and Gonzalo Gallardo. -Assistants: Constanza Abarca, Ignacio Araya, Magdalena Fuenzalida, Katherine González, Antonia Astorquiza - Gonzalo Carrasco, Agustín Izquierdo, Rodrigo Ramos, Felipe Goycolea, Magdalena Montes, Nicolás Ramos and Catalina Tapia.

Teaching Staff: -Teachers: Christian Sebastián and Iván Grudechut. -Assistants: Alfonsina Acevedo, Gabriel Sánchez and Cristián Saavedra.

Community Partners: Ong ICCA did an online Diploma in Rural Extension for professionals working in rural peasant economy. Project description: The students carried out an analytical observation consultation of the recorded sessions of the diploma course to verify the complexity of adult education as a real practice. Seeing it in practice, how it happens, allows the students to analyze that it is very difficult. People become aware that consulting must be delicate, careful to analyze the role of the educator. Attended needs: A work was conducted on reflective views concerning educational practices in adults.

Reflection strategy (s) used: Two reflective workshop sessions to design the service. Assessment strategy (s) used: Rubrics.

Community Partners: Dirección Provincial de Educación de San Felipe (DIPROV). Project description: Divided into groups, the students made video capsules with activities to be carried out at home, and eventually in classrooms, which were compiled into a platform to share with the San Felipe educational establishments. Attended needs: From the course, a questionnaire was sent to Diprov, and various issues were detected concerning quarantine and work with schools, socio- emotional development, support for the development of autonomy in the context of being at home, some support for learning literacy and mathematics.

Reflection strategy (s) used: Discussions in classes, with a special workshop session regarding the progress of the service. Assessment strategy (s) used: Rubrics.

Service Learning 2020 Projects UC Service Learning Yearbook 2020



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